R you C-ing this? (RC Car)- Integrating Bluetooth
Figuring out how to integrate Bluetooth
Today, we worked on our project slides, page, and blog. On top of that we are working to integrate a Bluetooth controller for our robot instead of RF modules .
Team members: Jacob Gillaspie, Malichai Laset
Today, we worked on our project slides, page, and blog. On top of that we are working to integrate a Bluetooth controller for our robot instead of RF modules .
Team members: Jacob Gillaspie, Malichai Laset
What Steps Did We Solve:
- Finish fixing the frame of the car Done
- Hook up the power harness to the frame of the Car Done
- test the motors Done
- apply the coding Done
- changed slides Done
- Finish fixing the frame of the car Done
- Hook up the power harness to the frame of the Car Done
- test the motors Done
- apply the coding Done
- changed slides Done
Next Steps:
List all the current steps in order of priority. Mark "Pending", "In Progress", "Road Block", "Done"
- Finish the "power harness" Done
- Test the coded outcome In Progress (Extra steps added here)
- Edit the coding to actually move on command, and not randomly. Pending
- Create the breadboard controller for the car In progress
List all the current steps in order of priority. Mark "Pending", "In Progress", "Road Block", "Done"
- Finish the "power harness" Done
- Test the coded outcome In Progress (Extra steps added here)
- Edit the coding to actually move on command, and not randomly. Pending
- Create the breadboard controller for the car In progress
Super-Duper site! I am Loving it!! Will come back again, Im taking your feed also, Thanks. Wltoys RC car