Project Zenith - Ronald and Jesus

Overview - Turtle Robot Project Page - Project Zenith

This robot is a small 2 wheeled / caster platform. With a built in raspberry pi to guide the machine's movement through the use of python coding.

Members: Ronald & Jesus

Current Project Status: "In Progress"

Update with date driven entries... as you enter entries, keep the latest at the top.  Also, when ever you post an update here, create a new Blog entry as well...

3/9/2018   - Finished gluing casters and tested movement of turtle bot. Realized one of the wheels is loose and needs to be tightened.
3/8/2018   - Gluing the caster parts together while updating the blog and page template.
3/1/2018   - Finished Presentation for project, while putting 3D printed parts together.
2/28/2018 - Started on presentation for the project, also breaking apart 3D printed part.
2/27/2018 - Started printing out parts
2/26/2018 - Starting on presentation slides for Friday
2/16/2018 - Further progress on our 3D printed part (measurements, creating part and printing)
2/15/2018 - Starting Step 4 (making our 3D printed parts)

2/14/2018 - Major blog update
Ronald: Updates blog
Jesus: Suggested Ideas, Asked advice
2/13/2018 - Completed step 3
2/9/2018 - Updating blog, next time we work on the project will be connecting the motors with our platform (through the use of zip ties).
2/8/2018 - Finalized Step 2
2/7/2018 - Drilled more holes
2/6/2018 - Made holes in our platforms and started zip-tying the motors to the base of our robot.
1/22/2018 - Not done much, still getting used to the project
1/19/2018 - Kicked off this project.  Initial platform was from a Turtle bot platform with neato motors and wheels and controlled by an Arduino

Next Steps:

List all the current steps in order of priority. Mark "Pending", "In Progress", "Road Block", "Done"
  1. Check motors "Done"
  2. Drill holes into platform "Done"
  3.  Connectors motors to the platform "Done"
  1. 3D print caster parts "Done"
  2. Glue wood block to casters "Done"
    1. Glue casters "Done"
      1. Glue hardware to platform "In Progress"
      2. Connect motors from power to ground "Pending"
      3. Code the turtle bot's system "Pending"
      4. Synchronize motors and platform to work together "Pending"
      5. Finalize (check for any minor/major errors) "Pending"

      Mechanical Configuration:

      This section describes the Physical / Mechanical configuration of the platform... How does it work from a hardware point of view.

      - The robot will have two wheels and a caster strapped to a platform in the bottom, while the sensors such as raspberry pi, wires breadboards, etc. Will be on top of the platform
      -Caster will have 3D printed models to hold it together with the platform.

      Sensor Package: 

      This section describes the Sensor configuration of the platform... What sensors are used and how do they work.  List them.
      Image result for raspberry pi
      1. Rasberry Pi
      2. Wires
      3. Motors
      4. Breadboard

      Data Sheets and Resource Links:

      Here you will find links to any data sheets for components used on this robot platform.  Also links to any Instructables or YouTube sites

      Source Code:

      Please describe any source code and link to it.  Best to have a GitHub account and host your code there.

      <description and link>

      Historical Team Members:

      2017-2018 - Ronald and Jesus

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