USS Barack Obama - table top robot

Overview: Don't Drive Off The Table #2

This robot is a small 2 wheeled / caster platform.

Current Project Status:

Balancing the robot
Mount the light sensors  
Adding  another button
Battery power harness _drive motors and arduino
Cut plastic - have a platform to mont stuff onto.
3D print sensor holders.
1 front sensor// ideally put 4 sensors - drive backwards and forwards.

Add line following sensor

1/22/2018 -
1/19/2018 - Kicked off this project.  Initial platform was from a Karlsson Robotics Magician Chassis and controlled by an Arduino
2/09/18 -  We attached the arduino on top of the plastic pane to avoid the metal touching and shorting the circuits, as well as stabilized the sensor.

Next Steps:

List all the current steps in order of priority
  1. Grab our materials that include (Arduino, lots of wires, plastic pane)
  2. Drill holes in plastic pane
  3. Insert screws to use as a mount for the arduino.
  4. Attach wiring to the arduino
  5. Ensure all circuit boards stay in place
  6. Add code

Mechanical Configuration:

A 3 wheeled unmanned drone. Can navigate through obstacles when being guided. Prevents itself from driving off steep edges.

We drilled a plastic pane, to hold onto the Arduino and to make room for another sensor.

Sensor Package: 

hand sensor, distance sensor.

Data Sheets and Resource Links:


Source Code:

all code was made
Library was from

Historical Team Members:

2017-2018 - Jose Arellanes Aldaco
Charman keo
Mathew Giardino
Phu Doan 

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