
"I'm still working on this page", said jim.The.STEAM.Clown... "but it's for resources that all Robot Projects could use... and thy are here because I did not have a good place for them yet... But Please copy the links you need to your own Robot Project pages..."

Motor Controller
Neato Motors
Neato Batteries - Charging a Mr Batt Neato Botvac 12 volt battery?
  • I assume this is a "classic" Neato Botvac battery "nickel-metal hydride". Any RC car battery "peak" charger should work although you'll have to make the connection (plug/socket). The thermister (white wires)  measure temperature and the Botvac mainboard shuts down charging should the pack get too hot (not applicable if using another charge system). If there is *no* voltage (measure voltage between Red and Black) I'd be willing to bet the pack is flat (i.e. dead). You could trickle charge it with your 12-volt charger but you'll never get a "full" charge... you need about 15 volts to fill it up and you really should be using a proper battery charger... that is one designed for RC car type batteries (I assume what you have is an automotive charger). BTW: I am not responsible for what you do.

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