Wednesday, February 28, 2018

blackBug - Can't seem to get Pololu QTR-8RC to work...

Can't seem to get Pololu QTR-8RC to work...

Pololu QRT-8RC - this sensor is really hard to figure out.  I think it's probably really good, but the docs are terrible.  I do have one student who seems to have it working... so I'll go talk to him.  Here are the docs I have found:
Team members: Mr. Burnham

What Steps Did We Solve:

  1. Added a 1/2 a ping-pong ball as a temporary caster
  2. Spent about 1 1/2 hours trying to figure out the Pololu QTR-8RC sensor... still does not work

Next Steps:

 List all the current steps in order of priority. Mark "Pending", "In Progress", "Road Block", "Done"
  1. Figure out the Pololu QTC-8RC sensor.  I guess I need to ask Jose - In Progress -Also need to find some better docs
  2. Proximity Sensor - Pending - I want to add a proximity sensor.

2/28 Project: Minibot

Coding the Line Following Sensor

 Finally figured out the issue with the Line Following Sensor. Robot should be completed by the end of this week.

Next Steps:

  1. Done - Get the Line following Sensor to detect and send back results.
  2.  Progress - Configure turns to adjust to the Line following Sensor
  3. Progress  - Create presentation Slides

Tanky the tank

Group members:
               -Marcus Andretta
          -Jakob Mcnuen
          - Bryan Duong

What Steps Did We Solve:

-We assembled the kit for the chassis for the tank  DONE
-Mount base for circuits  DONE
-sort wires to the back  DONE
-make code for motor controller   DONE
-mount ultra sonic sensor  DONE       
-code for ultra sonic sensor  DONE
-connecting motor controller to arduino  In Progress
Our Project:

   Currently Bryan is working on the presentation slides for the tank project, and Marcus has started making the code for the raspberry pie(Python) and soon we'll be starting on the arduino code and Jakob is working on assembling the tank.

What we need to do:
 get the raspberry pie code working 
 mount the rest of the parts

presentation link

Materials that we are planning to get

Burn it Down! Tear it tup!

The printer is currently in shambles as we try to understand its inner workings. It has some pretty clever tricks for how it controls the three axis and fits into such a small shell. Here's what we have learned:

-This printer works using four stepper motors. Two in the base to control the y and z, and two in the print head to control the x and extruder.
-We need an electric thermistor. A simple thermometer won't work since we need it to be electrical.
The printer's stepper controllers are all located in the base, so it won't be too hard to tap into the system and gain manual control.

2/28 Project: RoomBoi

Coding the Line Following Sensor

Because no one knows how to use the new line following sensor that Mr. Burnham bought, Nolan found some online code for the QTR-8RC sensor. 

Next Steps:

  1. In Progress - Research QTR-8RC Sensor Array - Peter was researching how the sensor actually works. Nolan found a code online to the sensor
  2. In Progress - 3D Print Caster for a back  wheel - Raymond is still working on the caster designs so that the wheel actually fits in and stays in the caster
  3. In Progress - Robotic presentation - Dylan worked on the blog as the due date comes near

2/28 Project Zenith

2/28 Blog

What We Did Today

3D printed part was taken out of the printer was prepared for the caster to be put together. The next step after gluing it, the caster will be attached to the wheel.

Steps Accomplished

3D print caster parts

Next Step

Glue Caster to wheels

Project x - 2/28/18- WE GOT THING THING WELDED

Project X- What was the Most Important Thing?

Today:  We started welding finished measurements for the angle of the bike and began the welding process

Project Page -
Team members: Zoe, Connor, Jonathon

What Steps Did We Solve:

  1. filled down the steel pieces
  2. welded the steel connector to the rear frame

Next Steps:

  1. weld rear frame to front frame- PENDING
  2. Look for back wheels to drift- IN PROGRESS
  3. Plan frame? - Pending - Possibly tube stock.  Need to talk to Welding teacher and student team


Dalek Telepresence - Pushbuttpm

Heading - What was the Most Important Thing?

Today all I did was try and and connect the switch. I ran in to a road block while testing the switch. The switch is getting voltage but is not giving my circuit any voltage,

Project Page -;pageID=9091752625114443919;onPublishedMenu=pages;onClosedMenu=pages;postNum=4;src=pagename l <-- put the link to your project here
Team members: List, Your, Team, Members, Here

What Steps Did We Solve:

  1. Test Motors - Done - What did you complete.  You can write a paragraph, and links to docs or other resources
  2. Pushbutton-Road Block  - -Did not send voltage through tjhe circuit-
  3. Next Steps:
 List all the current steps in order of priority. Mark "Pending", "In Progress", "Road Block", "Done"
  Possibly tube stock.  
  1. Motor Controller - Pending - New motor controller need to learn how to use it
  2. Pushbutton - pending- Not pushing voltage through my circuit

Couch Potato - We Spoke with the Welding Crew

Couch Potato - We Spoke with the Welding Crew

We Went to Chat with the Welding Crew Regarding our Frame

After taking into account Mr. Burnham's request to create a versatile frame for other future items to be docked,
the couch potato team has designed a frame that will suit these needs. With the design complete, the team then
visited the Welding class, design in hand, and conversed with them regarding the creation of this frame. After 
our discussion, we were tasked with answering a few questions regarding the build, such as how much steel we 
need, how big our perimeter is, and a few miscellaneous questions regarding our wheels.

Team members: Darryl, Hazel, Chris, Francisco, Zachary

What Steps Did We Solve:

  1. Test Motors - Done - We have tested our motors, and they function correctly.
  2. Test Motor Controller - Done - We have tested our motor controller, and it functions correctly.
  3. Plan Frame - Done - We have designed a versatile frame for our couch, and visited the Welding class.

Next Steps:

 List all the current steps in order of priority. Mark "Pending", "In Progress", "Road Block", "Done"
  1. Build Frame - Pending - With our frame planned, we need to have the Welding team begin building it.
  2. Cleaning the Motors - In Progress - The motors are dirty, and need to be cleaned out.
  3. Finishing Touches on Frame Planning - In Progress - We need to answer a few questions regarding the frame. 

Project Line Seeking Device (LSD)

Line Follower #1 <-- Line Seeking Device (LSD) 

Overview - Julian's & Eric's Line Seeking Device (LSD) 

This robot is a hacked R/C car, that will have an Arduino and / or a Raspberry Pi controller.

Current Project Status:

1/22/2018 -
1/19/2018 - Kicked off this project.  Initial platform was from a hacked Flea Market R/C car and is currently controlled by an Arduino
2/2/2018 - Got the senor for LSD or to follow the line. We have to learn how the sensor works and where to place it.
2/28/2018 - We need to hook up the QTR sensor in the front with the Ultrasonic sensor at the bottom and center.
to both program the sensors and movement of the car into one.
3/2/2018 - Our progress presentation 

Next Steps:

List all the current steps in order of priority. Mark "Pending", "In Progress", "Road Block", "Done"
  1. Done Learning how the sensor works.
  2. In Progress Program the sensor.
  3. Pending Place the sensor in front of the RC Car.
  4. Pending Program once more.
  5. Pending Test drive.

Mechanical Configuration:

This section describes the Physical / Mechanical configuration of the platform... How does it work from a hardware point of view.

We wired the the motor and the steering mechanism to our arduino so we can command it to follow the line without bumping into anything.

Sensor Package: 

This section describes the Sensor configuration of the platform... What sensors are used and how do they work.  List them. 

QTR sensor-sense the color of the of the thing it is sensing.Thing keeps the device from straying off the path we created for it follow.

Data Sheets and Resource Links:

Here you will find links to any data sheets for components used on this robot platform.  Also links to any Instructables or YouTube sites

Source Code:

Please describe any source code and link to it.  Best to have a GitHub account and host your code there.

<description and link>

Historical Team Members:

2017-2018 - Julian Castellanos:Research,Wiring
2017-2018 - Eric Nguyen:Updating blog

R you C-ing this? (RC Car)- Creating the Breadboard controller

Making the controller for the RC car

Today, we worked on connecting the wires to a breadboard to work as a controller for our motors on the RC car. Although we couldn't find our RF connector, we're still working on actually making the remote to where with a  push of a button, the left wheel can go forward, and with another, the right could go forward.

Team members: Jacob Gillaspie, Malichai Laset 

What Steps Did We Solve:

  1. Finish fixing the frame of the car Done
  2. Hook up the power harness to the frame of the Car Done
  3. test the motors Done
  4. apply the coding Done

Next Steps:

 List all the current steps in order of priority. Mark "Pending", "In Progress", "Road Block", "Done"
  1. Finish the "power harness" Pending
  2. Test the coded outcome Pending (Extra steps added here)
  3. Edit the coding to actually move on command, and not randomly. Pending
  4. Create the breadboard controller for the car In progress

Boat with DC Motor and Arduino- Prepping to glue on pieces

Boat with DC Motors and Arduino 

What was the Most Important Thing?

In order for our boat to function, we just need to run a code because it is very important for the motors to run the propellers. We have accomplished putting it together now are last and final step is figuring out if we need a control remote to control the boat or have a code that controls the directions.

Project Page - Still working on it

Team members: Chelsea Cortez, Melanny Valencia

What Steps Did We Solve:

  1. Cut the white foamDone
  2. Cut the black board Done
  3. Saughter the motors with the cables and glue them into the bottle Done
  4. Drill holes to put the propeller  Done
  5. Drill holes to put screw for Arduino Done
  6. Cut the foam so the black board fits perfectly in Done
  7. Glue On Board Done
  8. Run the code Done
  9. Run the code Done

Next Steps:

 "Pending", "In Progress", "Road Block", "Done"
  1. Figure out if we need a control- Pending
  2. Try it on water- Pending


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

MiniBot on the go

Project Progression:

   Mini-Bot now has the capability to turn and is now tighten so the sensors wouldn't be disturbed. Currently working on the tweek for the black-tape line turns, Light sensor is detecting but the turns are not getting triggered. Will be uploading progression throughout the week :D.

Two projects at once.

We obtained David's old 3D printer, so we may be able to tear it apart and wire it to an arduino. The issue may be that we will have to replace the print head completely since this print head is not rigged up to work with chocolate. Our next steps on this are to see if we can get the steppers to connect to an Arduino and manually move them around. Then see how much of the head we can take apart while retaining this functionality.

While we do this, some of our team is trying to get the large industrial 3D printer to function, so that may delay our project a little bit.

2/27 RoomBoi - No Major Improvements/New Wheel Design

RoomBoi Status

Due to the upcoming presentation we have to do, Dylan worked a little on the slides, Peter tinkered with the code and Nolan also worked on the slides since he comes up with our goals. Raymond was not here for majority of open lab due to taking the ASVAB test. 

This is a new design Raymond proposed for the back wheel of the RoomBoi

Team Members - Nolan, Raymond, Dylan, Peter

Next Steps:
  1. In Progress - Research QTR-8RC Sensor Array 
  2. In Progress - 3D Print Caster for a back  wheel

project zenith progress

so in our project we are on the part where we are attaching the wheel to our surface and so we began our 3D print some kind of caster brackets that will hold our wheel.


Hi guys welcome back! Chelsea and I have been working on putting the screws and the Arduino put together in the black board. We already have the motors glued to the bottle caps do they don't get soaked up and zip tied to the black board.

After that we are going to be gluing the black board to the foam and make
the code run in the Arduino. We have the code already we just need a power source for the motors to run and make the propellers run the moat. We will tested it out in the water to see if it works.


Today I finished the code for the face recognition . Using OpenCv I made code so that it detects a face. When the face is detected it will play the mp3 file "Exterminate". Which is just a dalek saying Exterminate.

project x- testing the motor

Today we tested the motor and designed the wire harness and back frame
we are going to use 1in steel pipe for the rear axle and the frame the seat/ motor are going to sit on

R You C-ing This?¿- Slide to the left, Slide to the right

<What was the Most Important Thing?>

Create project slides and change code. 

Project Page -

What Steps Did We Solve:

  1. Create google slides.
  2. Collaborate with other groups who are also doing similar code. 

Next Steps:

 List all the current steps in order of priority. Mark "Pending", "In Progress", "Road Block", "Done"
  1. Finish google slides In Progress
  2. Create our controller out of a breadboard Pending
  3. Edit our code to connect to our wireless controller Pending

Thursday, February 15, 2018

PROJECT X- giving the bike away


we left the bike in welding so someone could do the weld bypass in a later period due to our unofficial member Harrison practicing for skills USA
Jonathan- working on CAD of gear box

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Chocolate 3D printer - Added by Mr Burnham, so -1 point :-)

Chocolate 3D printer progress:

We decided to pull in my old 3D printer to use its case and system in our design

This allows us to use the inbred motor system and not worry about accuracy.

This is the glue gun we are taking apart, and taking its Thermistor and nozzle.
Nozzle size: (7mm) or .28
Temp : 380F(193C)

Next Steps:

  1. In Progress - Research breaches for Grbl and M3d mini software.
  2. In Progress - Figure out what we are using for a filament holder
  3. In Progress - Mount print head

    Historical Team Members:

    2017-2018 - Jim The STEAM Clown
    2017-2018 - Willliam Diaz
    2017-2018 - Sylvia Gonzalez
    2017-2018 - Calvin Moralez
    2017-2018 - David Torrez

Tank project

Tanky the Tank

Current status
  • Base is done
  • Drilling into to the base to mount the motor controller and arduino
Coding status
  • 2/14/2018 - Marcus started coding in raspberry Pi and arduino

6 Dice game code

6 Dice

A straight from 1 to 6 is worth 1500 points. If a player fails to roll a straight they may make one attempt to complete the straight. If the desired number(s) does not turn up on the next roll that round is a "crap out" even if there are scoring dice on the table i.e. 1's or 5's. Three pairs is worth 500 points.

The game requires six standard dice and a pencil and paper for scoring. Each player starts out "off the table" with a score of zero. Players collect points during their turn, and either add those points to their cumulative score, or continue rolling with the risk of losing all points accumulated that turn if a scoring combination is not rolled.
To begin a turn, if the player is "off the table," they roll all six dice. If the roll scores any points, they may set aside each scoring die or group of dice they want to claim points from, and either roll all remaining dice, hoping to score additional points, or take the points already accumulated this turn and pass play to the next player. Most versions of the game require a minimum score of 300 points in each turn to bank the score and pass, otherwise the player must continue rolling. If the player rolls multiple scoring combinations, only one is required to be taken with each roll, all other dice may be rerolled if desired. If all six dice score points in one or more rolls of a single turn, the player rolls all six dice again and continues to score additional combinations, known as a sweep. If at any time a roll scores no points, the player forfeits all points scored that turn (commonly called "zilch" or "crapping out"), and play is passed to the next player. If a player gets zilch three turns in a row they may suffer a 500-point penalty or lose all their points previously accumulated, depending on the several rules used.
In order to get "on the table," a player must score at least 1000 points in a single turn (but not necessarily in one roll). Once a player is "on the table," they are on for the duration of the game. For a player who is "on the table," they may start a turn by either rolling all six dice as described above, or picking up the unused dice from the last player's turn. In this case, instead of starting this turn's scoring from zero, scoring starts from the score taken by the last player.

These are the base methods of scoring:
  • Single fives are worth 50 points
  • Single ones are worth 100 points
  • Three of a kind are worth 100 points times the number rolled, except for three ones which are worth 1000 points
  • If four, five, or six of a kind are rolled, each additional die is worth double the three of a kind score
    • This makes the highest possible score in a single roll 8000 for six ones (1000 for three ones, doubled 3 times, once for each additional one).
  • A straight from 1 to 6 is worth 1500 points. If a player fails to roll a straight they may make one attempt to complete the straight. If the desired number(s) does not turn up on the next roll that round is a "crap out" even if there are scoring dice on the table i.e. 1's or 5's.
  • Three pairs is worth 500 points. For instance 2+2, 4+4, 5+5. This rule does not count if you roll a quadruple and a pair 2+2, 2+2, 6+6.
  • If a player fails to roll a three of a kind they may make one attempt to complete the three of a kind. If the desired number(s) does not turn up on the next roll that round is a "crap out" even if there are scoring dice on the table i.e. 1's or 5's.
Dice are scored at the time they are rolled, so three or more of a kind must be rolled simultaneously, and dice from later rolls do not "stack" for the higher score.
Players have the options to call what they roll or call chance. if a player calls a roll and is successful that player will receive an addition 50 points to add to that score. If the player "craps-out" that he loses the 50 points.

Image result for dice game 10000 rules


The first player to score over 10,000 points temporarily becomes the winner, and each other player gets one more turn to top that player's score. Whoever ends with the highest score over 10,000 wins the game.

In one variation, players must score exactly 10,000 without going over. In the event that a player goes over, the score for that turn is lost. In this variation, if the 10,000 is hit, that player wins immediately without giving the other players a chance to roll. However, if the winner leaves at least one die then the next player may 'roll off the score'.


2/14 RoomBoi - Back Wheel Caster Improvements

RoomBoi Status

The caster we 3D printed had a few flaws: incorrect size and we couldn't put the wheel in. Raymond is redesigning the print. Some components have changed and the print is being cut in half to print easier. Nolan is printing out the design. The code Peter made, has little progress compared to the last update.

The new design will have less middle structure and the holes for the wheels will be 7mm compared to the current 5mm

Next Steps:

  1. In Progress - Research QTR-8RC Sensor Array 
  2. In Progress - 3D Print Caster for a back  wheel
  3. In Progress - Figure out a better setup for our wiring and where to place modules.