Overview - Julian's & Eric's Line Seeking Device (LSD) or Little Red Robot (LRR)
This robot is a hacked R/C car, that will have an Arduino and / or a Raspberry Pi controller. This robot will follow a line without crashing.Current Project Status:
Update with date driven entries... as you enter entries, keep the latest at the top. Also, when ever you post an update here, create a new Blog entry as well...4/11/2018-We connected custom wires to connect the ultrasonic sensors to the Arduino.
3/19/2018- Testing out ultrasonic sensors to the Arduino.
3/12/2018 - Make compatible wire to hook-up multiple ultrasonic sensors onto the RC Car at once.
2/28/2018 - Install the QTR sensor onto the car.
1/19/2018 - Kicked off this project. Initial platform was from a hacked Flea Market R/C car and is currently controlled by an Arduino
2/2/2018 - Got the senor for LSD or LRR to follow the line. We have to learn how the sensor works and where to place it.
Steps we solved:
- Done Learning how the sensor works.
- In Progress Program the sensor.
Next Steps:
List all the current steps in order of priority. Mark "Pending", "In Progress", "Road Block", "Done"- Done Learning how the sensor works.
- In Progress Program the sensor.
- In Progress Hook-up the ultrasonic sensors onto the RC Car
- Pending Place the sensor in front of the RC Car.
- Pending Program once more.
- Pending Test drive.
Mechanical Configuration:
This section describes the Physical / Mechanical configuration of the platform... How does it work from a hardware point of view.We wired the the motor and the steering mechanism to our arduino so we can command it to follow the line. We also put a few ultrasonic sensors on the RC Car so it wouldn't fall off or crash into a wall
Sensor Package:
This section describes the Sensor configuration of the platform... What sensors are used and how do they work. List them.
QTR sensor-sense the color of the of the thing it is sensing.Thing keeps the device from straying off the path we created for it follow.
Data Sheets and Resource Links:
Here you will find links to any data sheets for components used on this robot platform. Also links to any Instructables or YouTube sitesYouTube: https://youtu.be/wbrt2ClgZik?t=3m1s
Source Code:
Please describe any source code and link to it. Best to have a GitHub account and host your code there.<description and link>
Historical Team Members:
2017-2018 - Julian Castellanos:Research,Wiring2017-2018 - Eric Nguyen:Updating blog
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