Tuesday, January 30, 2018

1/30 RoomBoi

RoomBoi Status  

We have wired up the arduino to the battery, and the motor controller. Some tests have been done and we still have a long way to go before we make a satisfactory RoomBoi

In Progress - Developing Code
In Progress - Construction
Road Block - Charging Battery

Monday, January 29, 2018

The one and only Tank blaster

Secret Project


  1. Marcus Andretta
  2. Jakob Mceuen
  3. Bryan Duong
What have we done so far:
  1. Assemble the motors and the mounting plate

Saturday, January 27, 2018

1/27 RoomBoi

RoomBoi Status 
We continued constructing our RoomBoi. We have also started wiring and coding it, although we have not done much

  1. In Progress - Construction
  2. In Progress - Developing Codes - Codes will be posted on RoomBoi GitHub
  3. Road Block - Charging Battery

Bendermobile -

<What was the Most Important Thing?>

Here is where you will describe what you did to day... make this detailed, so some one following your project can understand what you did.

What Steps Did We Solve:

  1. Test Motors - Done - What did you complete

Next Steps:

 List all the current steps in order of priority. Mark "Pending", "In Progress", "Road Block", "Done"
  1. Plan frame? - Pending - Possibly tube stock.  Need to talk to Welding teacher and student team
  2. Motor Controller - Pending - Does the motor controller work. so we have Speck or data sheet for it.

Template Robot Project Name - What Is The Main Item For This Post

<What was the Most Important Thing?>

Here is where you will describe what you did to day... make this detailed, so some one following your project can understand what you did.

Project Page - https://steamclown-robots.blogspot.com/p/couch-potato.html <-- put the link to your project here

What Steps Did We Solve:

  1. Test Motors - Done - What did you complete.  You can write a paragraph, and links to docs or other resources

Next Steps:

 List all the current steps in order of priority. Mark "Pending", "In Progress", "Road Block", "Done"
  1. Plan frame? - Pending - Possibly tube stock.  Need to talk to Welding teacher and student team
  2. Motor Controller - Pending - Does the motor controller work. so we have Speck or data sheet for it.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Couch Potato - Project Kick Off... Meet the team

Couch Potato Project Kick Off

We call this project "Couch Potato". - Maybe adding wheels to the couch in order for it to move and designing a frame that will prevent it from tipping over and coding using python.  We have the wheels and motor from an Electric Wheel Chair.

Project Page - https://steamclown-robots.blogspot.com/p/couch-potato.html

Team Members

Next Steps:

  1. Test Motors - Complete - We tested the motors and they works perfectly. Now we need to find a way to connect the motors to the frame. 
  2. Plan frame - Pending - Possibly tube stock.  Need to talk to Welding teacher and student team
  3. Motor Controller - Pending - Does the motor controller work. so we have Speck or data sheet for it.

RC Update 1-26-18


Overview - Template For Robot Project Pages

This robot is a small 2 wheeled / caster platform.

Current Project Status:

1/26/2018 - Starting materials list
1/19/2018 - Kicked off this project.  Initial platform was from a... and  controlled by...

Next Steps:

List all the current steps in order of priority. Mark "Pending", "In Progress", "Road Block", "Done"
  1. Find what materials are required
  2. Find what materials we have
  3. Find what materials we need

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

1/24 RoomBoi

RoomBoi Status
We are still working on placing the wheels onto our base.

  1. Charging Battery - Road Block
  2. Construction - In Progress

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

1/23 RoomBoi

RoomBoi Status
We have come up with a holder for the wheels using zip ties and some plastic. Now we are figuring out how we would put the entire thing onto our base,

  1. Wheel Holder - Done
  2. Charge Battery - Road Block - Still having difficulty
  3. Placing Wheels - In Progress

Project X


Team Mecha-Momics:

  • Jonathan Chu
  • Connor Grijalva
  • Zoe King
Overview: We are creating a drift trike, out of a bike that we are cutting apart and adding a gearbox, motor and drift wheels.

Project X:

Drift Trike
Status: Active

We need to complete the following in order.                                   

  1. Remove pedals.                                                                               STATUS: COMPLETE.
  2. Cut lower back part of bike.                                                            STATUS: COMPLETE.
  3. tested motor to ensure it works                                                        STATUS: COMPLETE
  4. Remove pedal arms and gears                                                         STATUS: COMPLETE
  5. Remove Braking System                                                                 STATUS: COMPLETE
  6. 3D Modeling gear box                                                                     STATUS: PENDING
  7. Weld lower part of bike to the top of the chassis.                           STATUS: PENDING.
  8. Reform seat to be lower.                                                                  STATUS: NOT STARTED.
  9. Replace seat with a chair seat.                                                         STATUS: NOT STARTED.
  10. Extend rear bike shaft.                                                                     STATUS: NOT STARTED.
  11. Reform gear drive and bike chain.                                                  STATUS: NOT STARTED.
  12. Add drift wheels.                                                                             STATUS: NOT STARTED.
  13. Add and wire up motor to battery.                                                   STATUS: NOT STARTED.
  14. Replace handle with reciprocating saw.                                        STATUS: NOT STARTED.

Next Steps: The next part for our project would be getting the rear steel frame bracketed onto the aluminum frame of the bike.

Mechanical Configuration: 
 birds eye view of weld bypass
 side view of seat being added
 Bike with back removed

weld bypass
Connor after he falls off the bike

Data Sheets: We plan to use 1 inch thick steel for our real axel which would cost about 50 dollars.

Tuesday, 1/23/18 R You C-ing This? ( RC Car)

Overview - Template For Robot Project Pages

This robot is a small 2 wheeled / caster platform.

Current Project Status:

1/22/2018 - We are still awaiting specific parts for beginning our RC Car, but while we are waiting. we're studying the steps on instructables in order to prepare ourselves for our start in the project.

Next Steps:

1.Acquire the parts needed for the project Road Block
2.Begin programming and building the base 

Monday, January 22, 2018

RoomBoi Kick Off

RoomBoi Project Kick Off

A small robot that roams the floors. We hope to program the robot to follow a line.

Project Page - https://steamclown-robots.blogspot.com/p/pm-turtle-bot-1.html

Team Members
Nolan McNiell- Hardware
Raymond Duong - Design
Peter Nguyen - Coding
Dylan Sager - Hardware

Current Project Status:

We have not done much but we were coming up with designs and figuring out if wheels works.

Next Steps:

  1. Robot Design - In Progress - Where do we need to put the arduino and other parts?
  2. Test Wheel - Done - Do the wheels work? 
  3. Charge Battery - Road Block - How can we find a way to reuse the battery?

choco printer uwu

see http://steamclown-robots.blogspot.com/p/cocoprinter.html

and see http://steamclown-robots.blogspot.com/p/couch-potato.html

as an example 

Stuffs to be added ;^)

Our doc

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Couch Potato - Project Kick Off... Meet the team

Couch Potato Project Kick Off

We call this project "Couch Potato". - Maybe adding wheels to the couch in order for it to move and designing a frame that will prevent it from tipping over and coding using python.  We have the wheels and motor from an Electric Wheel Chair.

Project Page - https://steamclown-robots.blogspot.com/p/couch-potato.html

Team Members

Next Steps:

  1. Test Motors - Pending - What need to be done?  What do we need?
  2. Plan frame - Pending - Possibly tube stock.  Need to talk to Welding teacher and student team
  3. Motor Controller - Pending - Does the motor controller work. so we have Speck or data sheet for it.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

WoHoooooooooooooooo Let's build some Robots

This site is where I and my SVCTE Mechatronics students will document the Robot projects we are building...

Each Robot Project will have a set of project "pages".  This is were we will document the specifications, user docs, current state and links to any schematics, source code, etc...

Each time a Student team updates their Robot Project Page, they will ALSO post a new Blog Post... The nomenclature for how to title the blog post will be the Robot Project names, and  will be something like <Robot Project Name - Informative description of progress>

What are some of the Robots we will have pages for?

Vex -  Robots used in Skills and Vex competitions
  • Huey
  • Duey
  • Louie 
Dalek - A larger Tele-presence Robot project

Couch Potato - Robot based on Electric Wheelchair parts