Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Couch Potato - We Finally Have a (Small) Frame

Couch Potato - We Finally Have A (Small) Frame

Now we need to make something bigger

After waiting a while, we finally got our frame finished by the welding crew, which is definitely
a step in the right direction. Unfortunately, the frame came out a bit smaller than we were
expecting, so we went back to the welding crew requesting improvements. While they work
on those, we await our couch from Mr. Burnham, as well as some bigger wheels for the front
of the frame, supporting our motors.

Team members: Darryl, Hazel, Chris, Francisco, Zachary

What Steps Did We Solve:

  1. Test Motors - Done - We have tested our motors, and they function correctly.
  2. Test Motor Controller - Done - We have tested our motor controller, and it functions correctly.
  3. Plan Frame - Done - We have designed a versatile frame for our couch, and visited the Welding class.
  4. Moving Care with Joystick - Done - We have figured out how to move the car with our joystick code.
  5. Finishing Touches on Frame Planning - Done - Our frame is ready, and is being built.
  6. Cleaning the Wheels - Done - The wheels are as clean as we can get them with what we had.
  7. Testing Motor Control with Joystick and Coding - Done -  We need to use our coding and a joystick to check how the joystick controls the motor, and how will it steer. 

Next Steps:

 List all the current steps in order of priority. Mark "Pending", "In Progress", "Road Block", "Done"
  1. Build Frame - In Progress - Our frame is currently being built by the welding crew.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Couch Potato - Putting the Project on Halt

Couch Potato - Putting the Project on Halt

We are waiting on the Main Components

The Couch Potato project has come to a halt. Unfortunately, the welding crew has not started making
our frame; they apparently had forgotten. We have visited them once more, and today they said that
they would get going on it. Their estimated date of completion is, at most, two weeks. Mr. Burnham
has also stated that he will not find us a couch until we have a frame. With most, if not all, of the
little things done, we have nothing more to do for the Couch Potato project.

Team members: Darryl, Hazel, Chris, Francisco, Zachary

What Steps Did We Solve:

  1. Test Motors - Done - We have tested our motors, and they function correctly.
  2. Test Motor Controller - Done - We have tested our motor controller, and it functions correctly.
  3. Plan Frame - Done - We have designed a versatile frame for our couch, and visited the Welding class.
  4. Moving Care with Joystick - Done - We have figured out how to move the car with our joystick code.
  5. Finishing Touches on Frame Planning - Done - Our frame is ready, and is being built.
  6. Cleaning the Wheels - Done - The wheels are as clean as we can get them with what we had.

Next Steps:

 List all the current steps in order of priority. Mark "Pending", "In Progress", "Road Block", "Done"
  1. Build Frame - In Progress - Our frame is currently being built by the welding crew.
  2. Testing Motor Control with Joystick and Coding - Pending -  We need to use our coding and a joystick to check how the joystick controls the motor, and how will it steer.