Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Couch Potato - We Spoke with the Welding Crew

Couch Potato - We Spoke with the Welding Crew

We Went to Chat with the Welding Crew Regarding our Frame

After taking into account Mr. Burnham's request to create a versatile frame for other future items to be docked,
the couch potato team has designed a frame that will suit these needs. With the design complete, the team then
visited the Welding class, design in hand, and conversed with them regarding the creation of this frame. After 
our discussion, we were tasked with answering a few questions regarding the build, such as how much steel we 
need, how big our perimeter is, and a few miscellaneous questions regarding our wheels.

Team members: Darryl, Hazel, Chris, Francisco, Zachary

What Steps Did We Solve:

  1. Test Motors - Done - We have tested our motors, and they function correctly.
  2. Test Motor Controller - Done - We have tested our motor controller, and it functions correctly.
  3. Plan Frame - Done - We have designed a versatile frame for our couch, and visited the Welding class.

Next Steps:

 List all the current steps in order of priority. Mark "Pending", "In Progress", "Road Block", "Done"
  1. Build Frame - Pending - With our frame planned, we need to have the Welding team begin building it.
  2. Cleaning the Motors - In Progress - The motors are dirty, and need to be cleaned out.
  3. Finishing Touches on Frame Planning - In Progress - We need to answer a few questions regarding the frame. 

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